Home How to How to create a fake Snapchat Account ? Is it Legal ? Tips and Suggestions

How to create a fake Snapchat Account ? Is it Legal ? Tips and Suggestions

by ranyeen

Are you trying to think of a funny way to trick your friends? One exciting approach for achieving it is to make a fake Snapchat account.
By creating a fake Snapchat account, you can do a few funny things on Snapchat with your friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. But make sure not to harm or harass a body online.

This post will explain how to create a fake Snapchat account and what steps you need to take in creating a fake snapchat account.

Taking some safety measures while creating a fake Snapchat account is essential. Your purpose may be for fun or entertainment, or for protecting privacy.

In order to create a fake Snapchat account, you first need a fake phone number and email address.[ never use your personal phone number/office number and email ID]. 

It’s crucial to avoid using any photographs or personal data that could be linked to the actual user. If that is the case, then you are directly exposing yourself in front of people on Snapchat.

Until now, we have given a few tips for creating a fake Snapchat account. Now it’s time to check the legal issues while using a fake Snapchat account.

It is crucial to keep in mind that creating a false account with the intention of causing harm, such as through cyberbullying or harassment, is against the law.

If your intention is not bad, i.e., not to harass others or spread fake news or news against any religion, then you won’t face any issues. But if you are into any of the things mentioned above, then we are sure you will be in trouble as you have broken the law.

Step by Step Procedure to create a Fake Snapchat Account

Here’s how to make a phony Snapchat account:

  • Turn on your smartphone and open the Snapchat app account.
  • You should tap “Sign Up” and “Continue.”
    When asked to allow contacts access, select “DENY.” [ As we are creating a fake account, it is recommended not to give access to contacts ]
  • Enter your First Name and last Name. [ Don’t forget to enter fake details]
  • Tap “Sign Up & Accept.”
  • Enter a fake birthdate and click “Continue” to proceed further.
  • In the next step, your automatically generated username will show up. To proceed, tap “Continue.”
  • If you don’t want to go with the default username, you can choose the one you can remember easily. Moreover, the chances of forgetting a username are very high as you are using a fake name.
  • If you would like to change it, you may also select “Change my username”.
  • Enter your desired fake username and click “Continue.”
  • Enter the password for the account and click “Continue.”
    If you don’t have a phone number, then you can create a Snapchat account using “email”.
  • To sign up without entering your phone number, choose “Sign up with email instead”.
  • Type in a fake email address and click “Continue.”
    Another recommended step in creating a fake Snapchat account is to bypass the “Find friends section”. You will we prompted to “find friends”. Click on the skip button and click on continue.
  • Go through the “Create Your Bitmoji” screen once more.
  • Permit Bitmoji creation by granting access to your camera.

Is it legal to set up a fake Snapchat account?

The purpose of making a fake account determines whether it is legal or not. It is illegal and can have terrible consequences if the account is opened with the objective of threatening, harassing, or cheating someone.

Suppose you have been involved in any of the above-stated activities. In that case, the victim might report the account to Snapchat, and the social media site will take the necessary legal action against the account owner.

There is a high possibility that your account will be deactivated and deleted.

But if you intend not to cheat or make others suffer, you won’t face any consequences. Anyhow, whether you are creating a Snapchat account for doing good or bad doesn’t matter. Just remember that at any point, Snapchat has the right to delete or block your account if they find yours as “fake account”.[ As per Snapchat’s terms of service ].

Is it Possible to Create Fake Snapchat Account with Phone Number ?

Yes. You can very easily create fake snapchat account without entering phone number. Snapchat will provide you an option to choose email id instead of Phone number while creating the account.

Conclusion : Creating a fake snapchat account is simple, but it is not recommended. Anyhow we have explained the step by step procedure to make snapchat account and tips you should look at. Our sincere advice is not to involve in any illegal activities with the fake account.

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