Home News FDA Raises Alarm Over 26 Eye Drops: They could Cause Blindnes

FDA Raises Alarm Over 26 Eye Drops: They could Cause Blindnes

by ranyeen
FDA Raises Alarm Over 26 Eye Drops

The FDA has issued a serious warning concerning 26 over-the-counter eye drop products, some of which are sold under popular store brands like CVS, Target, and Rite Aid. These seemingly harmless products could lead to a severe eye infection, potentially resulting in vision loss or even blindness.

The reason behind this alarming caution is that the FDA uncovered unsanitary conditions within the manufacturing facility and positive bacterial test results from environmental samples taken in crucial drug production areas. The situation has led the agency to strongly recommend to recall all of these eye drops.

Among the affected brands are well-known names like CVS Health, Rite Aid, Target Up&Up, Leader (Cardinal Health), Rugby (Cardinal Health), and Velocity Pharma. These products are specifically designed to be sterile, but recent findings have raised grave concerns.

As of now, there have been no reported injuries from using these products. However, the FDA is urging anyone who experiences signs or symptoms of an eye infection after using them to immediatley contact their healthcare provider or seek medical attention without any delay.

In response to the FDA’s warning, major retailers like Target, Rite Aid, and CVS are taking swift action by removing these products from their store shelves and discontinuing online sales. The FDA is also cautioning against purchasing products bearing the names Leader, Velocity, and Rugby, as they may still be in circulation in some stores or available online.

This cautionary tale comes in the wake of a previous FDA warning earlier this year, advising against the use of various eye drop products due to microbial contamination. The CDC had reported cases of vision loss, surgical eye removal, and even fatalities resulting from the use of eye drops tainted with drug-resistant bacteria.

The affected eye drops and gels have been listed for easy reference, so consumers can verify if they have any of these products and take appropriate measures.

In the interest of safety, CVS, Rite Aid, and Target have heeded the FDA’s advice and are proactively removing these potentially harmful eye drops from the market. As for products under the Leader, Rugby, and Velocity brands, caution is urged if you come across them, and they should be avoided. The FDA’s unwavering commitment is to ensure public health and safety, even when it means taking swift and impactful measures.

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